Fresh Handmade Popiah Skin Delivery Singapore
We Specialise in Handmade Popiah Skin.
A living craft. Quality in every piece of Handmade Popiah Skin. Every popiah skin is handmade fresh! Nothing beats the chewy texture that acts as the base for all other ingredients - holding it tightly as one. Don't be fooled - it may look thin (<0.5 mm) but it's strong enough to contain all that delicious goodness in your popiah!
Our popular signature DIY Popiah Set that can be delivered to your home for your special events. We also provide on-site live stations for carnivals and events of a larger scale where popiah (and all our other offerings) are freshly prepared for the crowd. Our range of DIY Party Sets has expanded to include Kueh Pie Ti, Laksa, Ayam Koro Bun & Muah Chee.

Quality Handmade Popiah Skin Supplier
Fortune Food has been supplying Popiah Skin to stores all over Singapore since 2000. Our client ranges from hawkers to local hotels. Quality and Freshness is our topmost emphasis. Our handmade specialty also received a President's Award Feature, reaffirming our mission to preserve the heritage of our local foods. New store owners or F&B partners can contact us directly for business purchases. We provide delivery & pickup services.
What is Popiah Skin?
Popiah skin is a thin, soft, and pliable wrapper used to make Popiah, a popular Asian spring roll. It is typically made from a mixture of flour, water, and sometimes other ingredients like cornstarch or rice flour.
How is Popiah skin different from other types of wrappers?
Popiah skin differs from other types of wrappers, such as spring roll wrappers or wonton wrappers, in terms of texture and thickness. Popiah skin is thinner and softer, allowing it to be easily rolled without tearing.
Can Popiah skin be used for other dishes?
While Popiah skin is primarily used for making Popiah rolls, it can also be used in other recipes that call for a thin and pliable wrapper. Some people use it as a wrap for various fillings, or even deep-fry it to make crispy snacks.
How can i keep any leftover Popiah Skin?
Typically, our popiah skin is 'fresh' for just one day. Therefore, we ensure to freshly prepare the skins each morning and recommend that customers purchase them on the same day they plan to consume them. Popiah skins tend to dry out rapidly when stored for longer periods, and if used to wrap a popiah roll afterwards, they become brittle and prone to breakage.
However, it is worth noting that popiah skins can be preserved in the freezer and remain edible for up to one week. Since the skins lose their freshness after the initial day, it is recommended to utilize them for fried dishes like fried spring rolls, samosas, or deep-fried popiah (popiah goreng) instead.
How to ensure freshness of Popiah Skin?
- Order on the same day you intend to consume! We handmade Popiah Skin daily.
- Upon Receiving: Keep the Popiah Skin air-tight.
- When Serving: Cover Popiah Skin with a damp cloth so it doesnt loose it's moisture.
Can i freeze Popiah Skin?
No, we highly recommend that you do not keep Popiah Skin overnight. Popiah Skin is best consumed fresh daily.
How long can Fresh Popiah Skin be kept?
1 day. Do place order for the same day you would wish to consume.
Can i keep Popiah Skin overnight?
No, we highly recommend that you do not keep Popiah Skin overnight. Popiah Skin is best consumed fresh daily.
How many Popiah rolls can I make with one pack of Popiah skin?
Typically, one pack (one kg) of Popiah skin contains around 30 wrappers, which can yield approximately the same number of rolls.
Can I make my own Popiah skin?
Yes, you can make your own Popiah skin from scratch. However, it requires a bit of skill and practice to achieve the right consistency and texture. Alternatively, you can find ready-made Popiah skin at our store.